Man's Best Friend and Much More
Why Failure is Crucial for Success
Speaking Up: The Importance of Self-Advocacy
First Day Jitters
School's Out for Summer! Purposeful Summer Activities
Glued to the Gadget: Managing Screen Time
Many children have trouble managing screen time and knowing when it is time to power down. Children with executive functioning difficulties have a tougher time making balanced decisions about technology. Even Silicon Valley parents in the tech industry have become acutely aware of the impact technology has on children at home and many have tech-free homes or set strict guidelines.
Time to Unwind: Managing Stress and Anxiety
Whether it's being afraid of the dark, making the soccer team or coping with the pressures of school, friends and the SATs, every child experiences some kind of stress or anxiety in their own way. Add to the equation that we live in one of the most high pressured, fast paced cities in the world and it's no wonder we feel like we don't have a moment to slow down and take a breath!
Spring Cleaning: Time to Get Reorganized
Focusing on Children's Strengths
With so much focus on what is challenging for our children, it can be hard to see all of his or her strengths. We have been conditioned to look for weaknesses or areas that are mediocre. Our intentions are good and we believe we can “help” our children or students. As parents, we are natural fixers, whether it be a broken bone or a difficult time in school.
Growth Mindset: An Essential Tool for Learning
Energy: The Ups and Downs and Why it Matters
There are many important factors that contribute to creating successful study habits. A good energy level is essential in order to maintain focus and complete schoolwork successfully. What we choose to eat and the physical activity we do has a big impact on the longevity of our energy. Unfortunately this is often overlooked.
Creating Good Habits and Setting Routines
It's not always easy to transition to a different schedule or get in the groove with new expectations that this year's teachers may have. This is why building good habits are important. It takes time and it is hard work, but building good habits and following routines can help to counter-act back pedaling into former, unproductive practices.